
Join “Dewy” on the Terrell County Bale Trail

Enjoy some family time or time alone as you search through Terrell County for Dewy, the clean water mascot.  The search will take you to some of Terrell County’s historic treasures each with specific information on the landmark, clues to document, and GPS coordinates (or addresses) that will lead you to the next display.  Once you’ve found them all, the clues you’ve collected along the way will lead you to the drop-off point for your entry form.  The displays will be setup April 9th - April 26 and 1 winner will be drawn on April 30th. The winner will be awarded a $200.00 MasterCard gift card from Golden Triangle RC&D. 


Rules of the game:

1. The entry form is available to download and print from the Golden Triangle RC&D website or you can pick it up outside at the first site. The first site is the Golden Triangle RC&D office located at 4344 Albany Hwy., Dawson, GA 39842.

You will need a QR reader on your phone. Apple and some Android phones will open QR codes by simply hovering the camera over the QR code. Other phones may require the use of a QR Reader App. For further assistance, we recommend referencing the following QR guide from Digital Trends:

2. Only one entry per person.

3. Hay bale displays will be placed around Dawson and Terrell County. Each site will contain interesting water facts, information regarding Terrell County, and a clue. Watch for the clues as you will need them ALL to solve the puzzle! Be sure to use the GPS coordinates or the address to find the next bale site. You must follow the sites in the correct sequence or the clues you receive will be in the wrong order!

Stopping at a site before you are directed to that site, will cause your clues to be out of order and you won’t be able to solve the puzzle correctly.

4. The clues you collect along the way (if kept in order) will lead you to the point where you drop off your entry form to be eligible for the $200.00 Mastercard gift card drawing.

5. The game sites will be out for 2 weeks from April 9th - April 26. The game can be played as a team or by yourself.

6. The entry form must be filled out completely in order to qualify. Anyone wishing to have their water tested for free will be contacted for an appointment to collect the sample. Golden Triangle RC&D will only be testing water from household wells in the SW Georgia area.

7. Anyone can play! You don’t have to be from Terrell County to play the game, have your water tested for free, or be eligible to win. You don’t have to have a water well to play the game or to be eligible to win the prize.