Spring Creek : Flow Augmentation Project & Ongoing Maintenance
Following a previous multi-year project to develop and initiate implementation of a watershed management plan for the Spring Creek watershed, Golden Triangle has a contract to facilitate ongoing maintenance of the watershed management plan implementation process.
During 2017, this has primarily taken the form of overseeing the maintenance of a flow augmentation infrastructure near Colquitt for Spring Creek. In order to maintain an appropriate water flow for a population of endangered mussels, as well as bolster the strength of the local ecosystem, water is occasionally pumped into the creek. Golden Triangle has a contract for maintenance of the pipe infrastructure and to see that the supplemental water is turned on at appropriate times of low flow.
We are working with a group of partners to see that the logistics are appropriately coordinated for ongoing maintenance of the flow augmentation infrastructure. This includes exploring the possibility of burying the pipe from the pump to the stream.