2017-18 Office of Advocacy & Outreach Grant
This project provided two demonstration workshops that featured information on farm conservation planning, new and current USDA programs, heirs property, estate planning, credit counseling, and recordkeeping; launch an exceptional educational program empowering socially disadvantaged farmers and veteran farmers and ranchers to steward their land more effectively which includes a six part course titled “Georgia Landowner Academy”. Topics include recordkeeping, managing farming and forestry operations, taxes, and estate planning. Participants receive information on heirs property and how owning heirs property can be a barrier to qualifying for programs to improve one’s land. Participants are offered free wills prepared by a licensed attorney. An introduction to the application process for USDA and NRCS programs is provided. Through these avenues of support, the course aims to empower landowners to make their land more profitable and sustainable. They have access to one-on-one time with a staff attorney(s) from the Heirs Property Law Center to begin the work of clearing titles in an effort to maintain land tenure and be able to participate in USDA programs.
2015 Office of Advocacy & Outreach Grant
Through educational outreach, technical assistance, and technology adoption, this project worked to enhance profitability and environmental sustainability for historically underserved farmers, veterans, and ranchers. The project goals that were completed include:
- Providing two demonstration workshops that featured information on farm conservation planning, soil/nutrient management, new and current USDA programs, heir property, estate planning, product and commodity marketing, and drip irrigation.
- Developing and facilitating a farmer mentoring pilot project on two farms, which served to help grow the next generation of farmers, ranchers, and veteran producers.
- Produce three innovative videos (5-8 minutes each) that highlighted producers from diverse socially disadvantaged communities, provide "how to" plans for drip irrigation systems, provide information on the importance of estate planning and heir property, and document the highlights of the mentoring program.
- Increase the number of completed conservation plans by Socially Disadvantaged and Veteran Farmers and Ranchers (SDVFRs) through on-farm technical assistance.
- Install remote field monitoring equipment on five SDVFR farms.